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PakistanCrusade Mission > Overseas Mission > Pakistan Crusade

| HIT 12809 | DATE 2014년 12월 7일 일요일
Manmin proclaims Jesus Christ in Pakistan and Middle East

Praying for the salvation of souls in the world, Manmin Central Church sent a mission team with Pastor Taesik Gil (Daejeon Manmin Church) to Pakistan and Middle East from November 20 to December 11, 2014.

On November 22nd, a Pastors' Seminar was held for pastors of Manmin's branch and associate churches and Pastor Gil preached the message entitled "You Will Reap Whatever You Sow" (Galatians 6:7). Based on actual cases in the Bible, he explained the principle of sowing evil will reap the fruits of curses and death; however, sowing of goodness will reap blessings. He also talked about what Dr. Lee sowed and how, to receive the explanation of the Word from God and perform such amazingly powerful works. They said they felt very thankful to Manmin for continually teaching them such spiritual messages.

On November 23, Miracle Healing Crusade was held in Lahore Eternal Life Church ministered to by Pastor Awar Fazal, President of Isaac TV with more than 10,000 people in attendance.

Pastor Gil delivered the message with the title "The Wisdom Hidden Since before the Ages" taken from 1 Corinthians 2:6-9 and prayed for people with the handkerchief of power that Dr. Lee had prayed on (Acts 19:11-12). He also prayed for all viewing audiences who were joining the crusade via Isaac TV. Additionally, Pastor Gil led crusades in Thatta and Karachi. His mission team will also have pastors' seminars and crusades with the handkerchief in several areas in Middle East and Sri Lanka. They will return home on December 11.

Manmin has visited Pakistan and has continually held seminars and crusades since Dr. Jaerock Lee's Pakistan United Crusade in 2000. Moreover, Dr. Lee's sermons and powerful works have been known to people in Pakistan and Middle East through Isaac TV.


73, Yeouidaebang-ro 22-gil, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea
- tel 82-2-818-7000 - fax 82-2-851-3846