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PakistanCrusade Mission > Overseas Mission > Pakistan Crusade

| HIT 7519 | DATE 2019년 6월 2일 일요일
My Mother and Sister Received Life before Death

Pastor Haroon Imran Gill 37, Punjab State Council Member, Pakistan

I came to know about Manmin Central Church through Rev. Wilson John Gil when I was 11. A couple of years later, my younger sister Cynthia was dying of Celiac disease, but she was healed when Rev. Jaerock Lee prayed on her photo in Korea.
In 2000, Pakistan United Crusade with Rev. Jaerock Lee was held in Lahore, Pakistan. I managed 500 young volunteers for the crusade. It was an unprecedented crusade in Pakistan with numerous signs and wonders manifested.
There was also a great revival after Rev. Lee visited Pakistan. The gospel was spread rapidly, and people listened to Rev. Jaerock Lee's sermons on Isaac TV. Many couples received blessing of conception through his prayer. There is a Muslim woman who testified she was healed of her heart disease after she was prayed on by Rev. Lee in her dream.
In July 2018, my mother had heart pain and difficulty in breathing when she lost consciousness. Both her kidneys were failing and water filled her lung. The diagnosis was kidney failure and heart disease. The doctor said she'd die within 24 hours. They had to start dialysis immediately.
My father, Rev. Wilson John Gill, sent an email to Manmin Church to receive prayer from Rev. Jaerock Lee. The person in charge sent a video of Rev. Lee's prayer for the sick. She received this prayer and was healed, and she no longer had to get the dialysis. Hallelujah!
I was 18 when Rev. Jaerock Lee had the 2000 Pakistan United Crusade. He prayed for my studies and future. Later, I graduated from Holiness Theological Seminary of Pakistan and was ordained as a pastor. I finished Manmin International Seminary course through Internet as well.
In 2018, I became a council member of Punjab state, the most populous state in Pakistan. I give all thanks and glory to God the Father and the Lord!


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