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Manmin Central Church

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Overseas Mission
Mission Status
2010 Estonia Crusade
2009 Israel Crusade
2006 New York Crusade
2006 Congo Crusade
2004 Peru Crusade
2004 Germany Crusade
2003 Russia Crusade
2002 India Crusade
2002 Honduras Crusade
2001 Philippines Crusade
2001 Kenya Crusade
2000 Pakistan Crusade
2000 Nagoya, Japan Crusade
2000 Uganda Crusade
Mission Status
2010 Estonia
2009 Israel
2006 New York
2006 Congo
2004 Peru
2004 Germany
2003 Russia
2002 India
2002 Honduras
2001 Philippines
2001 Kenya
2000 Pakistan
2000 Nagoya, Japan
2000 Uganda
Manmin Newspaper
Magazine "MANMIN"
Social Charity Activities
CongoCrusade Mission > Overseas Mission > Congo Crusade
IntroductionNewsVODMission ReportPhoto

| HIT 1841 | DATE 2023년 10월 15일 일요일
Congratulations on Manmin’s 41st anniversary! Preaching God the Creator and Jesus Christ With the words of life and powerful works

Manmin Central Church celebrated its 41st anniversary on October 8, 2023. It was founded with 13 people on July 25, 1982, and held its establishing service on October 10 of that year.
Wonders, miraculous signs, and countless works of power happened and life-giving messages were preached so that the number of registered members exceeded 10,000 in February 1991. In July of that year, the General Assembly of the United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ was established. Since then, Senior Pastor Jaerock Lee and Manmin Central Church have taken the lead in national evangelization and world mission by participating in various domestic and overseas religious events such as ‘92 World Holy Spirit Explosion Crusade’ and ’95 Jubilee Crusade for the Reunification of South and North Korea’.
From 2000, the church began to carry out world mission so actively by holding mega-sized crusades in many countries including Uganda, Pakistan, Kenya, Philippines, Honduras, India, Russia, Germany, Peru, Democratic Republic of the Congo, United States, and Estonia. In each crusade, Senior Pastor proclaimed God the Creator and Jesus Christ with explosive power of the Holy Spirit. In 2009, he declared Jesus Christ is the Messiah in Jerusalem, Israel.
Since 2010, the church has achieved world mission in even more various ways under the wisdom of God. With the handkerchief Senior Pastor prayed on, many pastors led various healing meetings (Acts 19:11-12) all over the world and countless souls experienced the power of the living God and received salvation. And through many global networks such as GCN TV, Urim Books, WCDN (World Christian Doctors Network), and MIS (Manmin International Seminary), God the Creator, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit spread to the ends of the earth.
We give all thanks and glory to the Triune God, who is completely fulfilling the providence for Manmin through the gospel of holiness and the power of re-creation.


73, Yeouidaebang-ro 22-gil, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea
- tel 82-2-818-7000 - fax 82-2-851-3846