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News > Testimony
| Manmin News   No. 227 | HIT 14928 | DATE 2011-03-27
Since I Met the Lord of Healing, I Have Led a Happier Christian Life Than Ever Before!

Sister Minkyung Lee (1-1 Canaan Mission)

Sister Minkyung Lee is playing percussion instruments as a member of Nissi Orchestra

Last November, I had a stomachache, and severe pain troubled me a lot. However, I did not take it seriously thinking that I would be ok after receiving Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer. For a month after that I had been fine, but I started to feel serious pain again. As a result I had a gynecological examination in a big hospital.
My ultrasound result showed that I had a 3 cm ovarian cyst. The doctor said, "You are still young. But how could you neglect your health like this?" He added that it was a very rare case for women in the early twenties to have such a cyst. He went on to say that if the cyst became larger or turned out to be malignant 2 months later, I would have to undergo surgery.
I came to examine myself. I had thought I could be healed just by Dr. Lee's prayer without repentance. I started to realize my wrongdoings. I had not completely cut off worldly things using the excuse of my family members who did not believe in God. I broke peace with them and wanted others to understand me. I repented of those sins and fasted.
While offering a vowed prayer, on February 21st, a day before another ultrasound, I became filled with the Holy Spirit more than usual. I went to bed after receiving Dr. Lee's prayer recorded on the telephonic Automated Response Service. I had a dream in which someone knocked my house door. It sounded urgent and a voice told me, "Sister Minkyung Lee, Dr. Lee is coming." I was in a hurry to see him. The bright light there took my breath away. He showed me a big smile saying, "I am here because I want to see you. Now I am leaving." He hugged me in his arms and then disappeared.

Doctor's note after receiving prayer: No symptoms, nothing out of the ordinary

I was so convinced that I had been healed because I had such a vivid dream after repentance. I visited the hospital to see my ultrasound result. My doctor said, "Fortunately, the ovarian cyst disappeared." How glad I was! Since then, I have enjoyed happiness listening to Dr. Lee's sermons and praises. I have led a happy Christian life understanding the heart of the Lord more and more. I am eager to pay back His grace all the more.


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