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News > Testimony
| Manmin News   No. 455 | HIT 13250 | DATE 2015-09-06
"I Can Bend My Knees, Walk, and Jump!"

Sister Gilbette, age 61, France

I work for France Airport, standing for six hours a day. So I had pain in my legs. For the past three years, I had pain in my right knee and I had a difficulty walking. I suffered from severe pain every day four hours after I started to work. I applied a pain relief patch the hospital gave me. I did yoga and stretching, and ran to get better. Despite such efforts, my knees got swollen since about a year ago.

In May 2015, I had an X-ray in the hospital, which showed that I had a protrusion from joint fracture and needed a surgery. I did not readily choose to have a surgery, but I just wore knee pads. I wanted to be healed. I did not want to go to hospital any more since I had taken so much medicine and stayed in the hospital due to miscarriage. In the end, I could not bend my right knee freely and I could not wear pants that fit me well because of the swollen knee. I sometimes dragged my right leg and I had to straighten the leg when I sat.

I became poorer in heart day by day. I finally opened my heart to the holiness gospel and Manmin's ministry that my co-worker, Janet, had explained about for the past three years. I registered in Manmin Central Church and joined the worship services through the Internet live broadcasting.

In late July in 2015, I visited South Korea to attend Manmin Summer Retreat. On August 3, it was the first day of the retreat. I received Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer for the sick during the Divine Healing Meeting. Then my pain in my knees was gone. I came to bend my knees and I had no difficulties even when I ran and sat for a long time. Hallelujah!

On August 6, after the retreat, I visited Muan Sweet Water Site. I saw a cross-shaped magnificent light that seemed to explode around the sun. Also I saw a tall person image with many people following him hand-in-hand in the sky. I give all thanks and glory to God who healed me and filled my heart with the Spirit through spiritual experiences. I also give thanks to Senior Pastor who prayed for me.


73, Yeouidaebang-ro 22-gil, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea
- tel 82-2-818-7000 - fax 82-2-851-3846