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News > Testimony
| Manmin News   No. 493 | HIT 9777 | DATE 2016-05-29
The Word of Life Gave Me a True Happiness

Deacon Hyunsang Shin, age 77, Busan Manmin Church

My wife and I had been looking for a true pastor who was able to guide us for three years. Meantime we learned about Manmin Central Church. I read Dr. Jaerock Lee's book The Message of the Cross and knew that it was a message that the world cannot understand. The book reveals the core point of the Bible, and it completely amazed me.

This book explains about Jesus Christ in detail and it is the core of Christian faith. I think every Christian should read this book, and in particular it is a must-read for pastors and seminary students. I have given this valuable book to pastors around me and my acquaintances.

I also read The Measure of Faith. It presents each level of faith so that readers can know at what level their faith is and how to increase their faith. This detailed elaboration astounded me. Senior Pastor's messages converge on how we can resemble the Lord and achieve the heart of spirit and whole spirit. Nowhere had I heard of such a message until I knew Senior Pastor.

In particular, I enjoyed GCN's program 'Creation and Science' ( This program shows and gives detailed explanations about the mystery of the human body, celestial bodies, pyramids, and the like based on Senior Pastor's lectures on Genesis. I cannot but feel astounded by the word of life interpreted through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

His humbleness and sacrifice remind me of the Lord. I thought that he is like Jesus' navigation system.

I succeeded in my field and have enjoyed many things, but I always felt sorry for my wife and children because I had not served them well. I was greatly moved by Senior Pastor's life and teachings. His teachings were given for my family and me. Now we are sharing true joy with each other.

These days I enjoyed the happiest moments of my whole believing life. I give thanks to Senior Pastor who devoted himself to receiving such precious messages from God through fasting and prayer. I also give thanks to God who sent us this precious shepherd at this end time.


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