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News > Testimony
| Manmin News   No. 524 | HIT 9461 | DATE 2017-01-08
"I Received Prize of Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport in God's Blessing!"

Deacon Jaekeun Joo, age 57, Parish 31, Manmin Central Church

Following my wife who attended Manmin Central Church, I registered in the church in January 1997. I could not wholly keep the Sabbath because I often worked or went on business trips on Sunday.

I felt sorry before God about it and in October 2011, I was advised by my wife, who had prayed for me, to attend Friday All-night Service. I followed it, and in the service I praised with tears and experienced the Holy Spirit. From then, I tried to keep the Lord's Day attending Light and Salt Mission Service held for those working in restaurant or retail business. The service is held at 9 P.M. on Sunday after work.

In the meantime, I was guided to a construction site in the same field where I could keep the Lord's Day. After I began giving a tithe, I received greater financial blessings. Moreover, by Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer for the sick, I was healed of back pain caused by a past accident and stiffness of my neck caused by stress. I came to meet God who wants to give us many blessings although what I gave Him was a little.

I still had a strong sense of self-righteousness and self-centered-frameworks so I could not stand something unreasonable. I was well-known for this characteristic in my field. I took it for granted that my wife and my three daughters followed and agreed with my opinions. But in 2013 while I was praying in Daniel Prayer Meeting, I realized that I had caused a lot of troubles to those around me and repented with tears. I had often justified myself saying, "I should say in this strong tone because it is about my workers' safety." But I finally realized I had disobeyed God's will.

In January 2015, I was assigned to a new construction site as a manager. I was the first person who came to work. I received Senior Pastor's prayer for the beginning of the day and started my work. I tried to be a good example as a member of Manmin. I prayed at Daniel Prayer Meeting daily.

I changed my attitude towards my workers. I tried to hear other workers' opinions gently and accept theirs as much as possible. They thought it was strange but later they recognized my heart. As I also tried to consider my wife and children, they began talking to me about their daily lives without any discomfort. We came to laugh a lot at home. As I tried in this way, God let me experience His love.

While it rained in other places around my construction site, it did not rain in my site. It was protected like being in Goshen. At times it rained a little but we could keep working. Sometimes it rained after we finished work. So we could finish the construction work on time.

And my site was ranked as first in the Safety Investigation performed by Seoul City in 2016, and I received Prize of Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport on November 22 the day of Construction Technicians. Hallelujah!


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