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News > Testimony
| Manmin News   No. 542 | HIT 8797 | DATE 2017-05-21
"I Am Delivering Manmin News with the Word of Life and Blessing"

Brother Myungkil Bang, age 41, New York International Manmin Church, USA

In February 2011, my mother made an earnest request for me to visit the website of Manmin Central Church and read the text of the sermon "The Measure of Faith." I found it so interesting that I could not be aware of the passage of time. I could check which level my faith was at, and came to have hope for a better heavenly dwelling place and rewards. The sermons gave clear explanation on the Book of Genesis, and there were explanations on 'spirit and flesh' based on the Bible that were not familiar to me.

Afterwards, I began to break my bad habits without really knowing it and I started to pray. I used to think God was far distanced from me and He was strict. But I came to feel Him to be a gentle Father with so much love. I watched sermon programs on GCN ( When I saw Senior Pastor, I felt so thankful to him that I shed tears. Meantime, I started to feel pity for people who had not heard the holiness gospel.

In August 2015, I participated in Manmin Summer Retreat and started to attend New York International Manmin Church, USA. I am a taxi driver in Manhattan, New York. I have been protected and blessed in the space of the shepherd. I have Manmin News that contains the word of life and the powerful works in my taxi and give it to my guests. When I went somewhere remote, I put it in mailboxes with hope that the people living there would meet the good God.

My mother used to be very weak but she was healed of arthritis and became so healthy that she has not even caught a cold since she received Manmin Prayer Center President Boknim Lee's prayer on the visit to Korea for Manmin Summer Retreat 2011. She is ministering to a church and running an orphanage. Since she starts a day with Senior Pastor's prayer, the children are healthy and the church has received financial blessings.

I give all thanks and glory to God who blessed me to know Manmin Central Church, understand the will of God, and in the shepherd's space I received more blessings than what I have sowed.


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