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News > Testimony
| Manmin News   No. 551 | HIT 11230 | DATE 2017-07-23
"A 4mm Urinary Stone Came Out without Surgery!"

Elder Myeongil Hong, age 55, Parish 1, Manmin Central Church

At 11 P.M., on April 22, 2017, I had pain in the part below my right abdomen. It was sharp, stabbing pain, and repeated. I felt more and more painful over time, and it became really serious after an hour. It was my first time to feel such great pain.

I was about to go out for a medical check-up. But suddenly I felt nausea and vomited. The pain subsided. I thought I had indigestion problem. I drank Muan Sweet Water (Exodus 15:25) and received Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer recorded on the telephone Automated Response System with the handkerchief of power on my belly (Acts 19:11-12).

At 5 A.M., I woke up from the pain again. I crawled to the restroom and repented of my past on my knees. I was moved to hospital by ambulance. My CT scan showed I had urinary stones. The doctor said the biggest stone was 4mm and suggested I receive removal surgery.

I went back home. I kept drinking Muan Sweet Water and received Senior Pastor's prayer on ARS with a desire for the stones to come out naturally.

Around 9 P.M. in the evening, I felt something in my body being pushed and coming out when I urinated, and it made a sound. There was a black stone in the toilet. The 4mm stone that had caused pain in me naturally came out in 22 hours. Hallelujah!

I felt so much better after it. I had no pain. Two days later, two stones that were too small to be seen on the CT scan came out in my urine. Now I am perfectly normal.

I give all thanks and glory to God who healed me. I extend my thanks to Senior Pastor who prayed for me.

The 4mm urinary stone in the right ureter came out after the prayer


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