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News > Testimony
| Manmin News   No. 651 | HIT 6204 | DATE 2019-07-21
"I Met the Lord in Deepest Despair"

Misook Jeong (58, 24th Parish)

My life was filled with unhappiness before I accepted the Lord. The business went bankrupt in 1993. We had a great amount of debt that my husband and I worked together to pay, but it was not enough.
One day, I prayed, "God, if I can go back to the time before the bankruptcy, I will live a diligent life!" I never went to church, but I still prayed to God because I was so desperate. In March 1997, I was led to Manmin Central Church by an acquaintance.
When I saw the church members who looked so happy and heard the gracious praises and listened to the sermon, I felt like I was in heaven. Even though the debtors were giving me a hard time, I always found peace when I came to church. As I began to change, my husband followed me to the church, too.
I was impressed by the life of Rev. Jaerock Lee who only lives for the souls. Seeing so many believers receiving divine healing through his prayers, I also came to have faith was healed of herniated disc.
I sold flowers on the streets and my husband also was a street vendor. The business was good and we paid off most of the debt. Now we had a wish to get a shop. For this, I gave my 17th anniversary ring as an offering to God.
In 2003, God answered my prayer. We got a shop and began selling rice, and later other grains and vegetables, too. Finally, we paid off all our debts.
We lived in a small room attached to the shop, so we prayed about getting a house. In 2017, we could move into a good house near the shop.
However, in March 2018, another vegetable/fruit shop opened opposite ours. I felt uncomfortable. And yet I prayed, "God, let both the shops have good sales!" And then, to my surprise, our daily sales increased by 70-80% and we got more regular customers, too.
We have a peaceful family in the Lord. Our daughter is a member of Love Dancing Team, and our son also got promoted recently. We give all thanks and glory to God who is full of grace.


73, Yeouidaebang-ro 22-gil, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea
- tel 82-2-818-7000 - fax 82-2-851-3846