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Manmin News
News > Testimony
| Manmin News   No. 675 | HIT 4865 | DATE 2020-08-02
“I found answers to my questions about the Bible, and I was healed of kidney stones.”

Suredi Nektah (32, Delhi Manmin Church, India)

I was born in a Hindu family and lived in Hindu culture. There was no peace in my family. We always suffered from diseases and poverty. When I was a middle school student, I read a book about the Bible in my uncle’s house and went to church. But I had many questions about the Bible.

My friend’s father introduce Delhi Manmin Church and I started going to the church in 2013. I had answers to my questions by seeing the manifestations of God’s power. As I learned the deep meanings that nobody knew and preached about, my spiritual thirsty was quenched.

I felt a severe pain on Dec. 3rd, 2018 and saw the doctor. He examined my body and he said I had kidney stones.

I couldn’t have lain on the bed and gone to the bathroom due to the severe pain. I had been restless and gave a scream. Urine was build-up in the kidney and urethra. And I developed hydronephrosis. (distension of the kidneys due to obstruction in the flow of urine) and my kidney swelled as big as it could reach the stomach.

The pain disappeared when Pastor Soojin Lee prayed for me on Dec. 9th. Strangely I felt the pain again next day. I realized God gave me a time of blessing when I could look back on my Christian life and repented.

I went to the doctor on the 26th again. He said “The stones which were in the kidney is now in the ureter. But it is 8mm big and hard. I was sure that the big stones came down from the kidney to the ureter by prayers.

Few days later, I attended the New Year service and received Pastor Soojin Lee’s prayer. Afterward, I went to the bathroom and an amazing thing happened. When I was urinating, a stone came out of my body without any pain.

And more stones came out. Now I am healthy and devotedly serve for the kingdom of God. My wife, a nurse, got a good job. My family enjoys healthy and overflowing blessings. All thanks and glory be to God the Father!


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